Dr. Anne rüggemeier
Research Associate
Room: R 4206 | KG IV
Office phone number: 203-97445
Email: anne.rueggemeier@anglistik.uni-freiburg.de

Anne Rüggemeier studied Comparative Literature, English and History at Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen (Germany) and at Oxford Brookes University (UK). From 2009-2013 she held a scholarship at the Gießen Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) where she conducted a PhD project on relational autobiographies in contemporary English Literatures. In 2014/2015 she received the GCSC Career Development Grant. From 2015-2017 she worked as Junior Research Group Leader at the Heidelberg School of Education. From 2017-2022 she held a postdoc position in the ERC-funded project “Lists in Literature and Culture” and was an associated member of the research training group Factual and Fictional Narration (GRK Faktuales and fiktionales Erzählen). Since May 2022 Anne is Principal Investigator of the project “Poetics of Isolation in English Literature (17th to 21st century)” which is funded by the German Research Organisation (DFG “Eigene Stelle”).
Research interests:
- Poetics of Isolation (17th-21st Century)
- Cultural and literary history of listmaking (18th–21stcentury)
- Life Writing Studies (Relationality, Experimental Life Writing)
- Stories and Data: Chances and Dangers of Storytelling
- Comics and Graphic Narratives (focus on Disability Studies and Narrative Medicine)
- and, of course, the question: “Why does literature matter?”
Since 04/2022 | Principal Investigator of the DFG (German Research Association) funded project “Poetics of Isolation in English Literature: 17th -21st Century” |
06/2017 – 03/2022
| Postdoc |
07/2015 – 05/2017
| Junior Research Group Leader Heidelberg School of Education (Inter-university collaboration between Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University of Education) |
11/2014 – 04/2015
| DFG Career Development Grant from the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture |
| PhD– summa cum laude |
10/2009 – 09/2013
| PhD student and recipient of the GCSC doctoral scholarship at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture |
12/2007 – 11/2009
| EU Research Manager at the Max Planck Regional Cluster for Baden-Württemberg at the Max Planck Campus Tübingen (part time) |
Awards, grants and fellowships:
- German Research Organisation (DFG “Eigene Stelle”): 2022-continued
- GCSC Career Development Grant (2014-15)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Travel Grant to IABA-World in Soa Joao del Rei (Brazil)
- GCSC Doctoral Scholarship (2009-2013)
List of Publications
- Literary Lists: A Short History of Form and Function. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. (co-authored with Eva von Contzen and Roman Barton)
- Die relationale Autobiographie: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie, Poetik und Gattungsgeschichte eines neuen Genres in der englischsprachigen Erzählliteratur. Trier: WVT, 2014.
Edited Collections
- Roman Barton, Julia Böckling, Sarah Link und Anne Rüggemeier, editors. Forms of List-making: Epistemic, Literary and Visual Enumeration. Palgrave Macmillian, 2022.
- Anne Rüggemeier, editor. Life Writing and the Poetics of List-Making. Forum in a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 3, 2020.
Encyclopaedia article
- “Bildungsroman.”In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Oxford University Press, 2015—. Article published July 19, 2023.
Book chapters
- “Quantifizierung und Erzählung: Von pränarrativen Aufzeichnungssystemen in Daniel Defoes Journal of the Plague Year (1722) zum postnarrativen Auf-Zählen in Maggie Nelsons Bluets (2009).” Poetik der Quantität. Eds. Niklas Schmitt, Katerina Shekutkovska, Lina Stempel. University of Bamberg Press, 2024, 17-38.
- “Introduction: Epistemic and Artistic List-Making.” (with R. Barton, J. Böckling, S. Link). Forms of List-Making: Epistemic, Literary, and Visual Enumeration. Eds. Roman Barton, Julia Böckling, Sarah Link and Anne Rüggemeier. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022,1-24.
- “What’s Beyond (and Beneath) the Numbers and the Measures: Where Lists and Tables Meet Visual Vocabularies.” Invisible Made Visible: Comics and Mental Illness. Leah Misemer and Jessica Gross. (in preparation; under contract with Penn State University Press)
- “Self-Reflexivity in Contemporary English Auto/biographies.” Transparent Texts. Self-referentiality and Self-reflexivity in Literature. Florian Lippert and Marcel Schmid. Brill / Rodopi (Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft), 2019, 239-57.
- “Von Krankheit gezeichnet – vom Bruder porträtiert. Über die Produktion und die Bedeutung von Krankheitsmetaphern in David B.s Auto/BioGRAPHIE Die heilige Krankheit.” Krankheit erzählen: Texte der Gegenwartsliteratur und Perspektiven für den Literaturunterricht. Eds. Jan Standke and Dieter Wrobel. Trier: WVT, 2019. 239-60.
- “Der Autobiograph als Biograph? Relationale Selbsterzählungen in Theorie und Praxis.” Sich selbst erzählen. Autobiographie – Autofiktion – Autorschaft. Eds. Sonja Arnold et al. Kiel: Steve-Holger Ludwig, 2018. 75-100.
- “Auto/biographic Metafiction and Relational Lives: Antonia S. Byatt’s The Biographer’s Tale (2000) and J.M. Coetzee’s Summertime (2009) as Paradigms of Meta-auto/biographies.” The British Novel in the Twenty-first Century: Cultural Concerns – Literary Developments – Model Interpretations. Vera Nünning and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT, 2018. 283-96.
- “Kingston’s The Woman Warriorin the Context of Life Writing Studies: An Exploration of Relational Selfhood.” Critical Insights: The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston. Eds. Linda Trinh Moser and Kathryn West. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2016. 95-108.
- “J.M. Coetzee’s Summertime– Breaking the Rules of a Genre to Create a Space for Broken Narratives.” Emergent Forms of Life in Anglophone Literature: Conceptual Frameworks and Critical Analyses. Michael Basseler, Daniel Hartley and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT, 2015. 231-46.
- “Narrating Selves: Generischer Wandel und gegenwärtige Entwicklungen in der Autobiographie.” Key Concepts and New Topics in English and American Studies/Schlüsselkonzepte und neue Themen in der Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Elizabeth Kovach. Trier: WVT, 2014. 239-62.
- “Über Pop, TV und silberne Zigarettenetuis: Intermediale und materiale Inszenierungsverfahren relationaler Identität in zeitgenössischen englischsprachigen Autobiographien.” Medialisierungsformen des (Auto-)Biografischen. Eds. Carsten Heinze and Alfred Hornung. Konstanz: UVK, 2013. 181-200.
- “The Re-Construction of Autobiography through Objects: Nancy K. Miller’s Auto/biography What They Saved.” The Cultural Dynamics of Generic Change in Contemporary Fiction: Theoretical Frameworks, Genres and Model Interpretations. Michael Basseler, Ansgar Nünning and Christine Schwanecke. Trier: WVT, 2013. 329-45.
- “Medialisierung von Lebensgeschichten: Formen und Funktionen von multimodalem Erzählen in relationalen Autobiographien.” Medialisierung des Erzählens im englischsprachigen Roman der Gegenwart: Theoretischer Bezugsrahmen, Genres und Modellinterpretationen. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Jan Rupp. Trier: WVT, 2011. 287-303.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- “Krankheit, Tod und Sterblichkeit. Die ‘arthrologische’ Gestaltung von Nacht-Zeiten in Drama, Lyrik und Comic am Beispiel von Sarah Kane, Philip Larkin und David Small.” Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 10.5 (2024), 74–98. http://www.closure.uni-kiel.de/closure10.5/rueggemeier.
- “Lists, Vignettes, Enumerations: Contemporary Life Writing and the Gesture of Refusal toward Narrative.” Poetics Today 2 (2022), 363–385.
- “Transformative List-Making: Challenging Heteronormativity and Ableism in Somatographies.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 11.4 (2020). 10.1080/21504857.2020.1757478
Finalist Martin Schüwer-Publikationspreis - “Introduction: Life Writing and the Poetics of List-Making: On the Manifestations, Effects, and Possible Uses of Lists in Life Writing.” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 3 (2020). DOI: 10.1080/08989575.2020.1815371
- “Female Mental Illness, Monstrosity, and Male Medical Discourses: Revisiting Jane Eyre.” Anglistik 3 (2019). 73-88.
- “Shame and Shamelessness in Contexts of Care and Caregiving in Philip Roth’s Patrimony (1991) and Sarah Leavitt’s Tangles (2012).” EJES European Journal for English Studies 3. (2019). 263-80.
- —, and Maren Scheurer. “Autobiography and/as Narcissism? Psychoanalysis and Self-Reflexive Life Writing in Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s A Dialogue on Love and Alison Bechdel’s Are You My Mother?” a/b Auto/biography Studies 2 (2019): 167-95.
- “Lists in Life Writing: The List as a Means to Visualize the Trace of the Absent.” a/b Auto/Biography Studies 2 (2019): 329-41.
- “The List as a Means of Assessment and Standardization and Its Critical Remediation in Graphic Narratives About Illness and Care.” Closure 5 (2018). 55-82.
- “Graphic Illness: Die Krankheit im Leben der Geschwister am Beispiel von David B.s Comic Epileptic.” Internationale Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung (interjuli) 1 (2017): 69-90.
- “‘Posing for all the characters in the book’: the multimodal processes of production in Alison Bechdel’s relational autobiography Are You My Mother?” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 7 (2016): 254-67.
- “Beyond the Subject – Towards the Object? Nancy K. Miller’s What They Saved: Pieces of a Jewish Past (2011) and the Materiality of Life Writing.” European Journal of Life Writing (EJLW) 5 (2016): 36-54.
- “The Autobiographer as Family Archivist: Relational Autobiographies and the Many Modes of Writing a Life.” Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN) 6 (2011).
Lexicon Article
- “Coetzee, J.M. – Summertime.” Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Vol. 3. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- ofInseln. Wunschland, Wildnis, Weltferne. Fundstücke aus Literatur und Film by Thomas Koebner. Marburg: Schüren, 2021. MEDIENwissenschaft 39.3 (2022): 325– 327.
- of Forms of Poetic Attention by Lucy Alford. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020.” Medienwissenschaft38.1 (2021): 32-33
- “‘All one can do is tell a better story.’ The Ethical Potential and the Risks of Storytelling.” Rev. of Storytelling and Ethics: Literature, Visual Arts and the Power of Narrative, eds. Hanna Meretoja and Colin Davis. International E-journal for Narrative Research/Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung7.2 (2018): 176-83.
- “Die Medizin – eine Checklisten-Disziplin: Zwischen Data & Stories im Krankenhausalltag.” KWI-BLOG: Die Macht der Liste, 4 May 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37189/kwi-blog/20220504-0830
- with Sarah Link. “ERC Starting Grant Project on Lists in Literature and Culture at the University of Freiburg.” Blog Post. Listology: Exploring Lists in All Their Possibilities. 3 June 2018.
Conference Papers (selection)
- “Die Liste zwischen Vers und Prosa: Auster, Brainard, Perec.”
DFG Symposium: Vers und Prosa. Differenz – Interaktion – Interferenz.
Villa Vigoni, Italy | 2–7 September 2024 - “Harriet Martineaus Life in the Sick Room (1844) und die Praktiken der vernetzten Isolation”
Die Praxeologie der Schreibszene: Schreiben und Lesen als Raum- und Beziehungspraktik
University of Hildesheim, Germany | 13–15 March 2024 - “Experiences of Grief, Experiments with Form” (Talk and Panel Chair)
International Auto/Biography Association: Life Writing in Times of Crisis
University of Warsaw, Poland | 6–8 July 2023 - “The Covid Chronicles and the Practice of “Drawing our World Together”: Sharing Covid-Related Isolation while Reproducing Geopolitical Isolation?”
Joint Conference: International Graphic Novel & Comics/ International Bande Dessinée Society: Better Living Through Comics
University of Cambridge, UK | 4–7 July 2023 (online) - ”Female Disability and the Isolating Forces of Shame”
Workshop: Autobiographical Writing and the Gestalt of Shame
Humboldt University Berlin, Germany | 23–24 June 2023 - “Lists, Literature, and (Graphic) Medicine”
Webinar Series: Health, Wellbeing and Literature, Literature and Science Forum
University of Durham, UK | 1 June 2024 (online) - “Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy(1621) and the Relationality of the Writing Scene”
University of Freiburg, Germany | 2 May 2023 - “A natural resource to exploit”: Natasha Brown’s Assembly as Quit Lit
MLA Annual Convention
San Francisco | 4–9 Jan. 2023 - “Harriet Martineau: Woman, Writer, Invalid“
Eucor Lecture Series: Victorian Women Writers
University of Freiburg | 22 Oct. 2022 (online) - “Between Courage & Cowardice: Ambivalences of Retreat in Female (Pre-)Romantic Poetry”
European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) Conference
University of Mainz, Germany | 29 Aug. – 2 Sept. 2022 - “Where the “Mad Woman” meets the “Club Van Gogh”: A Bipolar Queer Comic Artist and the Intersectional Cultural Heritage of Madness, Femininity and the Genius”
Workshop: The Cultural Heritage of Psychiatry and Its Literary Transformations
University of Dresden, Germany | 28–29 Oct. 2021 - “Daniel Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year(1722): Lists, Statistics and the Plague”
Nachwuchstagung „Poetik der Quantität“, Graduiertenschule für Literatur, Kultur, Medien
University of Bamberg, Germany | 4–5 June 2021 (online) - “The light never goes out in the clinic: Illness and the Experience of the Night”
Conference CorpoRealities: Perceptions of ‘Extraordinary’ Time in Literature & Comics
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany | 25-27 June 2020 (online) - “Listen machen. Die Form der Liste zwischen (Selbst-)Evaluation, (Selbst-)Optimierung und medizinischer Alltagspraxis“
Tagung der Robert Bosch Stiftung: Medizin und Idealvorstellungen von Körper und Verhalten
Stuttgart, Germany | 21–23 Oct. 2020 (online) - “Lists in Illness Narratives – the ‘Power Effect’ of Science and Comic Counterinscriptions”
Guest Lecture, Uses of Literature Group
University of Southern Denmark, Odense | 11 June 2020 (online) - “Lists and Aestheticism: Dorian’s Collections and Art’s (Thwarted) Mutiny Against Narrative”
International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN) Annual Conference
New Orleans, USA | 5–7 Mar. 2020 - “Gibt es visuelle Listen? Einführung in Formen und Funktionen der visuellen Enumeration“
Einführungsvortrag zum Workshop: Visuelle Listen in Malerei, Photographie und Comic
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany | 24 Jan. 2020 - “Lists in Graphic Illness Narratives”
Que(e)rying Graphic Medicine: Paradigms, Power and Practices. Graphic Medicine Conference
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, United Kingdom | 11–13 July 2019 - “Fragmentary Linearities: The List, Graphic Illness and the Concept of Broken Narratives”
Panel Chaired: Lists and Narrative Configuration in Comics and Graphic Narrative
ISSN 2019. The Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Conference.
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain | 30 May – 1 June 2019 - “Contesting the Experience of Illness: The Form of the List as a Means of Counter-Inscription”
ISSN 2019. The Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Conference
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain | 30 May – 1 June 2019 - “Introduction”
Workshop: Lists of Life – Life Writing and the Poetics of List Making
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg | 18 Jan. 2019 - “Visualizing Illness. The Remediation of Medical Imaging Techniques in Graphic Illness Narratives”
Why Care to Write? Medical Humanities Conference
Ulm University | 4–6 Dec. 2018 - “Illness and the List: The Knowledge of Illness between Medicine and Literature”
Jahrestagung des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes
University of Bonn | 23–26 Sept. 2018 - “The Lists of Leisure: The Economy of Self-improvement and Relationship Management as Observed in the Cultural Practice of the Bucket List”
Muße und Arbeit. Tagung des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1015 “Muße”
University of Freiburg | 12–14 Apr. 2018 - “Dickens and the Language of Illness”
Dickens and Language. 23rdAnnual Dickens Symposium
University of Tübingen | 30 July – 1 Aug. 2018 - “The Hidden Agendas of Healing – Medical Lists and the (Non)authorial Shaping of Being Ill”
Roundtable Discussion: Hiding, Revealing, Belonging. International Auto/Biography Association World Conference
Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil | 11–14 July 2018 - “Lists in Life Writing: Reading between the Lines – The List as a Means to Visualize the Trace of the Absent”
Invited Roundtable Discussion: Hiding, Revealing, Belonging. International Auto/Biography Association World Conference
Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil | 11–14 July 2018 - “Coetzee’s Summertime: Broken Narrative and the Curse of Coherence”
Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
University of Utrecht, Netherlands | 6–9 July 2017 - “‘I Pose for All the Characters in My Book’: The Multimodal Processes of Production in Alison Bechdel’s Are You My Mother?”
Winter School: Transmedial Narratology – Theories and Methods
University of Tübingen | 23–26 Febr. 2016 - “Challenging the Life Course: Narratives of Disruption in Contemporary English Literatures”
The Failed Individual. Research & Study Centre Dynamics of Change
University of Mannheim | 12–14 Nov. 2015 - “Broken Narratives and the Curse of Coherence”
The Ethics of Storytelling: Historical Imagination in Contemporary Literature, Media and the Visual Arts
University of Turku, Finland | 4–7 June 2015 - “Beyond the Subject, towards the Object? Auto/biographical Objects as Triggers for Re-Thinking the Ideologies of a Genre”
Beyond the Subject: New Developments in Life Writing. International Auto/biography Association Europe
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Vienna, Austria | 31 Oct.–3 Nov. 2013 - “How I Found My Family in a Drawer: Nancy K. Miller’s What They Savedand the Framing of Multimodal Artefacts in Relational Life Narratives”
Narrative Matters: Life & Narrative. Sixth Biannual Interdisciplinary Conference on Narrative Research
American University of Paris, France | 29 May–1 June 2012 - “Intermediale Selbstpräsentationen als Inszenierungsverfahren interpersonaler Identitätskonzepte”
Medialisierungsformen des (Auto-)biographischen und ihre Kommunikationskontexte
Sektion Biographieforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg | 2–4 Dec. 2011 - “The Autobiographer as Family Archivist: Forms and Functions of Multimodality in Relational Autobiographies”
Working with Stories: Narrative as a Meeting Place for Theory, Analysis and Practice. Second European Narrative Network Conference
University of Southern Denmark, Kolding | 10–11 March 2011 - “Peter Handke’s Immer Noch Sturmas an Example of Relational Life Writing in Europe”
Trajectories of (Be)longing: Europe in Life Writing. International Auto/biography Association Europe
Talinn University, Estonia | 18–20 May 2011
Workshop & conference organisation:
12/2020 | Interdisciplinary Zoom Workshop Series on “Lists in Medicine and Science” (ERC-Starting Grant Project LISTLIT; Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, FRIAS) |
02/2020 | Interdisciplinary Workshop on “The Visual List” (ERC-Starting Grant Project LISTLIT; Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, FRIAS) |
07/2019 | (with Eva von Contzen) Interdisciplinary and International Conference “Enumeration, Epistemology, Etcetera: Lists and List-Making in Literature and Culture” (ERC-Starting Grant Project LISTLIT; Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, FRIAS); https://www.listlit.uni-freiburg.de/blog-1/CFP_EnumerationEpistemologyEtcetera.pdf |
01/2019 | Interdisciplinary Workshop “Lists in Life Writing/Listen in lebensgeschichtlichem Schreiben” (ERC-Starting Grant Project LISTLIT; Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, FRIAS); https://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/de/veranstaltungen/tagungen/workshop-lists-of-life |
Winter term 2023/24
- VL Introduction to Literary Theory
- HS/MS War Poetry across the Ages
Summer term 2024: PS Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Winter term 2023/24: VL Introduction to Literary Theory
Winter term 2022/23 PS The Postcolonial Bildungsroman
Summer term 2022: PS Literature and Disability
Winter term 2021/22: PS Dystopian and Utopian Fiction
Summer term 2021: PS Postwar British (and Irish) Drama
Winter term 2020/21: PS 18th Century Women Poets
Summer term 2020: PS The Elegy- From the Middle Ages to the Present
Winter term 2019/20: PS Oscar Wilde, Critic and Artist
Summer term 2019: VL Survey of British and Postcolonial Literature
Winter term 2018/19: PS From Lilliput to Lonely Travel: Travel Writing
Summer term 2018: PS Literature and Illness: An Introduction
Winter term 2017/18: Ü Planung und Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten
Summer term 2016: PS Exploring Graphic Novels (Heidelberg University)
Winter term 2015/16: PS Reading, Learning and Teaching Autobiography
Summer term 2012: PS Reading Autobiography
Winter term 2011: Narrating Selves (Contribution to Ringvorlesung Key Concepts of English and American Studies)